
Posts Tagged ‘ICTP 2011’

Waiting for someone exhibits the effects of time dialation of SR

22 June, 2011 Leave a comment

Ok so the past couple of days have been boring and nerve-racking at the same time. Since the ICTP school of Physics has come to an end , there is not much that I can do here….. well there is touring, I don’t have enough cash to squander it on public transport! Trieste is a good place to walk around and I have done as much walking as I could! Alas today I just read some group theory notes and tried to do some ambitious stuff that did not end up going anywhere!

These past couple of days have been tense since I am eagerly waiting for an email from a certain Korean girl that I met at the school! Alas this is such weird behaviour for me. I havent felt this nervous or hopeful about another person for so long….. My life is changing again slowly and I think that this shall be good for me! Human emotion so spectacular…. just the other day I was smiling stupidly to myself, and now I am so nervous about some email. Ah this is what it must mean to live and not just being alive! I hope she says encouraging things in her reply. ^-^

Anyway I have also gone on a rampage and gotten hold of some really great asian films, which I recommend you watch! A friend of mine lent these films to me, some of which I shall recommend to you:

First up is (Order does not indicate a rating)

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Humans are Humans are Humans!

17 June, 2011 Leave a comment

Today is the second last day of the ICTP 2011 Summer School in Particle Physics. It was a bit sad knowing that the school is coming to an end. Being in an environment like this and just working with other enthusiastic people on physics was really great!

I made some new friends here at the school, two guys from South Korea, Han and Sung. Really cool guys! Both are working on Supersymmetry and pursuing careers in high energy theoretical physics. Han made an interesting remark today at the special dinner.  He said that it was quite amazing that all of us had made the choice of giving up fairly good life of being an applied physicist, engineer or a businessman, earning a large salary and getting the pretty girl, all in favour of the pursuit of the truth of the physical world.

This was quite amazing to me that he had also had these thoughts in his head. Initially I also had doubts about my choice of career…. well I still do have some nagging thoughts running around in the deep recesses of my mind, but at the end of the day I think I am happy about my choice of becoming a theoretical physicist! Besides things are not as gloomy as I paint it, there are lots of stuff that are great about my career….. like meeting hot asian babes at summer schools!!!!! hehehehehe…. yes as you may have surmised Ms. Hanoi is still occupying thought time in my mind! 🙂

It’s a bit sad that we humans can’t live an infinite amount of time. There are so many things that I want to do in my life that… I just don’t think that ONE lifetime is enough for me! But alas it is because we have a finite amount of time that we make the best of things and find success and happiness in places least expected! hehehehe I am getting philosophical now at this time of the night..

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Away from home, sad but happy!

15 June, 2011 Leave a comment

Yeah so its been a while. Master’s was done and on to greater things(I hope!!). I have started my PhD this year in High Energy Theoretical Physics. Things are going slowly now but working consistently is the key!

Anyway I am in Italy now, attending the ICTP 2011 Summer School of Particle Physics. One of the perks of being a student is that I get to travel around the world to Physics events, like this summer school. It’s a good chance to see the world at minimal cost and learn from the masters themselves!

Italy is a nice place. Here in Trieste, it’s quite and life is slow. Physics really gets done here! The view of the sea is spectacular from my room. The gentle lulling sound of the waves against the pier is troubling though since its such a sleep inducing sound!!! I think that this is the place where I want to come and settle down.

I met this interesting girl from Vietnam, Hanoi. She seems like a pleasant girl, and has such a sweet accent when she speaks english! But this is not why I am blogging after so long, the reason I am blogging again is that I cant help but want to say SHE IS SUPER HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has these lovely eyes that you can just lose yourself in. And such a sweet smile and……er no no, I think that I shall stop with the description or I may just forget about the post. hmmm……

I think I have developed a thing for Asian girls this summer. I feel like I was blind to the beauty of the world. Well you know where I shall be going for my post-doc now!!! hehehehe I cant help but smile as I type this post since she has being fulling my thoughts and chasing away the physics in my mind! This is weird, normally I could concentrate on physics like a laser beam, not allowing any stray thoughts to enter in the reasoning process but now, I find myself smiling stupidly during the day as my mind wanders its way to her. Well I think I am a bit happier these days, so I think it’s a good side effect of my minds excursions!

Anyway be happy like I am and work hard at life!