
Posts Tagged ‘internet’

It’s almost here!

6 November, 2010 Leave a comment

Ahhh after a long dry spell of not playing any FPS games, I just have to wait a few more days for the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops! Well I am hyped up about it since the last COD MW2 was really great but quite short on the single player campaign. Anyways this edition of COD will be made by Treyarch who was responsible for COD World at War. I have great hopes for it and I crossing fingers that the campaign is a bit longer the previous versions.

But anyway moving on now, I have managed to scrounge up and pay for internet at home! This is quite nice, always being able to google anything up or just checking up the news and most importantly being able to download some series and movies! Ahhh having access to the internet at home is quite intoxicating Previously I had to access the net from my office at the university, which while is nice but…. well not the same as when I sit in the lounge at home just browsing! πŸ™‚Β  You know humanity is embracing the virtual age when even I am getting on the bandwagon! Society has changed quite a bit with the introduction of the internet, I had a chance to roam around Second life for a bit and it was quite weird meeting and interacting with the avatars of other humans from across the world! Very impressive, a new age is coming where maybe humanity will be ableΒ  leave behind(for a short time or maybe permanently!) the fragile vessels that contain our consciousness and travel the vastness of the digital “spacetime”. Ahh such an exciting prospect… gives me goosebumps.

As can be surmised I am quite happy! hehehehehe…. well I am off to watch a movie and drift off to sleep!

goodnight fellow surfers